Soap Suds
Soap Suds make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word
Currently Viewing Tag: poems-by-me


Beloved One, Stand because you have walked for too long, you have run for days, for weeks, for months, for years and now It’s time…

I Pray For You

I pray for you….. May someone answer when you call, May people pick you when you fall, May nothing constitute a wall, I pray for…

I Blew into The Wind

I blew into the wind As if my breath could leave a mark. And as small as it seemed amongst the force of the gale…

A Friend

A poem I wrote over 15 years ago would probably sum up what most people need when they are going through what appears to be…

From The Archives: The Lesson in the Hair Do

Some years back I got my hair done. It was a popular hair style at the time, the hair was pulled very tightly with wool…