You seriously could be missing out!
Many of us have heard the story of the man who; on an all inclusive Mediterranean cruise; sat inside his cabin eating crackers throughout the journey, missing out on all the food and entertainment simply because he didn’t know that he had paid for all these extras when he purchased his ticket.
Some of us call him foolish and yet we pretty much do the same thing on a regular basis.
We forget, or are too tired to remember to, listen to or read the manual, blue print, the small print .…the any print.
Take for instance when my car had some problems recently. I stood there staring at the sky and intermittently looking at the car. I knew somehow I was paying for some car breakdown service through my bank but I wasn’t sure it would cover this particular problem. For some strange reason I didn’t bother phoning them to ask, I just couldn’t be bothered, I drove off to a garage.
I was too late, they were 15 minutes away from closing and it was a Saturday afternoon. I could leave the car there if I chose and they would have a look at in on Monday.
I looked up to the sky again.
I talk a lot about God, one reason being without Him I do not know where I would be. Today was one of those days. He dropped a thought in my head. ’call your car manufacturer’.
I was delighted when they told me to go home and that they would come out to pick the car up immediately and give me a fancy courtesy car for the duration of the service. When they realised they couldn’t get that sorted out before Monday morning they arranged and paid for a cab to take me to work and for my courtesy car to be delivered to my work place. I felt silly for not having called them in the first place.
I now appreciate their slogan ‘the best or nothing’.
The problem was, despite the fact that I had faithfully serviced my car with them yearly- I hadn’t understood the benefits- and so if God hadn’t allowed me to get distracted and turn up late at the garage, I would have ended up losing those benefits and still having to pay my way around as my car got fixed.
And then recently it was my mobile phone….
I was annoyed thinking of how I was going to spend a third of what I had bought the phone for on just replacing the cracked screen. I wouldn’t have minded if the screen actually could be replaced – but a google search had revealed it was presently deemed impossible to do so. Last night for some unexplained reason my memory was jolted and I suddenly recalled again that my bank account had mobile phone insurance attached to it. I hadn’t checked for a while and had never needed it before and so I have no idea why I thought it no longer existed. Assumption is the mother of a lot of negativities.
I went on line and behold, it was still very active, requiring for me to register the phone then and there. To cut a short story even shorter, unbelievably in less than 24 hours a brand new mobile phone now sits in my palm.
As usual, I just couldn’t help relating it to life and thinking of the millions of untapped benefits we miss out on due to a lack of knowledge. Just as it is written, ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge…….’ (Hosea 4 vs 6).
I think of all the time, the money, the resources wasted due to not knowing our rights, not knowing what has already been paid for, not reading the fine print. I think of the many things lost out on and forgotten just because we do not take out time to remind ourselves of what we have and who we are. Things forgone simply because people do not ask, do not enquire, do not pursue.
The word of God is full of our benefits. Christ has paid for them all.
The message is simple, find out what they are and refuse to miss out!
Proverbs 4:20-27 (ESV)
My son, be attentive to my words;
incline your ear to my sayings.
Let them not escape from your sight;
keep them within your heart.
For they are life to those who find them,
and healing to all their flesh
Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV)
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Be Inspired,