Soap Suds
Soap Suds make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word
Currently Viewing Category: sisbee-s-thoughts

I Hear You

Honestly before today I never knew that the clock in our living room ticked. I mean, it actually ticks quite loudly! I have sat staring…


Beloved One, Stand because you have walked for too long, you have run for days, for weeks, for months, for years and now It’s time…

The Forgiveness Pill – Part 2:

This thing called forgiveness may seem so hard. I get people saying,‘But you don’t understand!’ I reiterate it now, I do understand! More than you…

A cup of tea and a slice of ear …….Please.

I sat with the phone receiver tucked between my ear and my shoulder, my eyes fixed on the computer screen. Often I try to multi-task,…

Hey! What’s Your Name ?

I’ve been smiling over this for a few days now. I recall an away day I went to with some colleagues a couple of years…

You seriously could be missing out!

Many of us have heard the story of the man who; on an all inclusive Mediterranean cruise; sat inside his cabin eating crackers throughout the…

Never broken enough

The pieces lay on the floor. The picture frame and the glass shattered. Parts of the pictures paper were scratched,dented and torn where the glass…

Let it bake

I really like baking. There is something about mixing all the ingredients into a cake mix and then pouring something so raw into a pan…

wisdom to live by

I can’t take credit for these words of truth and wisdom! This was forwarded to me ….I just can’t help sharing……. A wise old man…

To the man at the airport

It had been a long day. I mean a really, really long day. I had left early for the airport because I wanted to get…